Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Again, I’m playing fast and loose with that whole “Fortnight” thing, although we’re pretty close this time – only a few days short.

Anyway, here’s another batch of links to keep you busy. The buffer is getting lower now, but it isn’t empty yet so look for another installment in due course. This will be a big one, though…

To begin, there have been a few posts with actual content here at DET since the last of these posts. One of these was contributor Scott Rice’s post dealing with Ben Myers’ paper on Augustine and Romans 5 at the recent PTS Romans conference. Speaking of Scott, if you flip over to the DET contributing authors page, you will notice that Scott has graduated from PTS and will begin the ThD program at Harvard Div next semester. Well done, Scott!

There was also a post from me on Dan Migliore and fideism. And don't forget the stuff on recent Roman Catholic shenanigans.

Enough preliminaries. Here are some links…

  • Jason Goroncy has a post up about some of his current project. Jason is one of the better theo-bloggers out there (I was very pleased to meet him at the Barth conference in Princeton about a year ago), so it is fun to see what he is working on offline, as it were.
  • Nathan Maddox has a sermon up entitled For the Love of God and dealing with John 21.9-22. He seems to be sticking with that whole numbered thesis structure…
  • For Christ and His Kingdom, the blog associated with a number of Wheaton College grad students, has a post up discussing Keith Johnson’s paper from the recent Wheaton Bonhoeffer conference. Coincidentally, Keith’s most excellent book on Barth and the Analogy of Being is now in paperback and, consequently, much more affordable. Go buy it.
  • Darren Sumner takes aim at Leo’s Tome in this post about the communication idiomatum. I’ve never liked the Tome, so I’m very glad to see Darren taking it down a peg. I always think of McGuckin’s comment on the Tome, explaining that it was only accepted by the council insofar as it agreed with Cyril.
  • Bobby Grow gives us an update on the Evangelical Calvinism book project that he has been working on with Myk Habets. It’s almost here!
  • I’m sure many of you have seen Ben’s recent post on how to access materials and video from Sarah Coakley’s recent Gifford lectures (here is the link). But I also wanted to thank Darren for posting about this a while back and bringing it to my attention.
  • Good friend of the blog and Episcopal priest currently serving in the UK, Jason Ingalls, shares his attempt at retelling the story of Genesis 1-3 in “Once upon a time” form. I particularly like his bit on sin.
  • Another sermon, this one from Halden Doerge and on 1 John 3.1-7. The title is We only know it will be love.
  • Michael Gibson digs up some interesting ecumenical letters that passed between Barth and various Roman Catholic groups.



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