Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Hang on, this is a long one. With my academic duties resuming next week, it may become more difficult to keep this segment regular and thereby cover all the good stuff out there. So I’ll see how much I can squeeze into this one.

Of course, we’ve had 4 posts here at DET since the last link post, and all of them are significant. First, we had a post from DET contributors Scott Rice and Matt Warren. They added to the reading guide series with their post, So, You Want to Read John Mackay? Then, just a few days ago, contributor Derek Maris posted about Moltmann's “Political Hermeneutics”. Finally, I posted two things. The first is a Defense of Theological Blogging and Belligerence wherein I attempt to stoke the theo-blogging fires for all of our continued betterment. The second is a brief post highlighting a Q&A session that David Congdon and I did with and for a particular Christian discussion community on Reddit. It was a lot of fun to do, and we got to well over 100 comments on the thread, so be sure to follow the links and check it out. 

Alright, then, on to the rest of the links…

Long enough? I think so. Next week I will once again begin earning my keep by attending altogether too many faculty orientation meetings, and preparing in earnest to meet a new crop of students on the field of bat…I mean, in the classroom, the following week. So, enjoy these links during the last few days of my (relative) freedom.  



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