It's DET's Birthday!

DET is seven years old! The founder and leader of DET asked me to write about this, so here are some reflections...

For me personally, my appreciation of this blog begins prior to joining on. This blog, along with some others (here are two examples) were extremely important to me as I began to focus more seriously on theology. For a variety of reasons, I've always felt like I was behind in my understanding of theology, and DET provided current snapshots and facilitated discussions. This was invaluable for me. Though I rarely commented, for nearly the duration of my more serious study of theology I've kept an eye on what was going on here.

I especially paid attention to the Karl Barth Blog Conferences. Years later, those posts continue to be interesting, especially the comment threads. Particular discussions and phrases still stick with me. At times, it seemed to me that some of the best thinking by people approximately my age was going on in those discussions. I'd encourage anyone reading to go have a look at those posts.

For roughly a year I've been writing at DET. I've been excited to do this, though with the high standards of those Karl Barth Blog Conferences still in mind, it hasn't always been easy to try to write for those who follow DET. Nonetheless, if has been a great experience for me. I hope to continue to stretch and force myself to articulate where my thinking is headed [without giving too much away of course ;) ].

So those are my reflections on DET's birthday. I'd like to end by asking "what are your memories and reflections on DET? How has it challenged and benefitted you?" While recent posts have shown that DET is still going strong, it would be fun to hear everyone else's "reminiscences." Last thing: I'd like to invite any who are reading to participate. Let us know if you are interested!



There are a number of fine theo-blogs on the web, but what is especially helpful about DET is the way it helps to bridge and connect these conversations and conversation partners. The regular links feature culls some of these conversations and helps me catch up on them. The guests posts broaden the conversation too, and the blog conferences generated some fascinating discussions among scholars who may never have the opportunity to meet each other in person.

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