Gollwitzer Gold (part 2): More gleanings from Twitter
Update: I have published a book on Gollwitzer! Click on the title to order your copy: Our God Loves Justice: An Introduction to Helmut Gollwitzer.
I give you the following without further ado and in honor of Gollwitzer's life and thought.
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By Stiftung Haus der Geschichte (2001_03_0275.4240) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons |
"Human history is the history of violence. Also all present societies are sustained by violence, by the threat and use of increasingly...
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 19, 2016
"...perfectionized, terrifying means of violence. . . . Violence brutalizes, even though the oppressed cannot avoid it in their struggle."
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 19, 2016
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 19, 2016
"...opened up a new age of slavery that even today—although in changed forms of enslavement—has not as yet been terminated.” - #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
“The Gospel which proclaims liberation to the captives and good news to the poor apparently did not remind them of the colonial misery." 1/2
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
#Golli throwing some major shade (3/3)
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
"A just state only exists where the power of the state restricts and controls the powerful." - #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
"...with whom he lives ‘in the church’ on the basis of equal rights, receives outside of the church inferior health care and..." (2/3)
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 20, 2016
“Whenever power does not serve justice, but sets justice aside, resistance is a Christian duty.” - #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) August 21, 2016
“Exploitation occurs when labor is utilized without equivalent pay, and where the product of social labor is unequally appropriated” #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 2, 2016
“The capitalist mode of production in the form of a free-market economy, just as in competitive capitalism and monopoly capitalism,..."(1/2)
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 3, 2016
"...and in the competition and collusion of multinational corporations, is—in principle—..." (2/3
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 3, 2016
"...not mastered in accordance with the interests of the common good." - #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 3, 2016
"The regenerative power of capitalism has refuted the far too short-term hopes of socialists, ... " (1/2)
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 8, 2016
"... but not the prognosis that the capitalist revolution will lead humanity to its doom." - #Golli (2/2)
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 8, 2016
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 8, 2016
And how's this for a little gem with which to conclude?
"Pannenberg is the worst." #Golli
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 8, 2016
(I'm not kidding. He wrote that... There's context, sure, but still...)
Now, I realize that I'm one of the few people who read Gollwitzer. Perhaps you can tell that I'm trying to change that. So if you have also discovered the power and vitality of Gollwitzer's life and theology, and the deep relevance of his work for our own time, I invite you to write a note in the comments section. That would, indeed, be a truly fitting monument to Golli. Besides, I'd love to hear from you and know that there are others out there!
Follow @WTravisMcMaken
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Unfortunately, I have no idea about the context of the photo.
Jonny, isn't that a wonderful little text? I ruminate on it from time to time. In many ways, it catches a great deal of Golli's essence.