Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

…or, The Past Month in the Theoblogosphere.

…or, Whatever the Case May Be.

Full disclosure, it has been a month since the last link post. That post came from two weeks after DET came back from summer hiatus, and we had just introduced some new contributing authors to you, gentles readers. And, boy (or girl), have we been off to the races! DET hasn’t produced this many post in a month since February, and the last time before that was March of 2014! We’ll see how long the momentum lasts, but I hope that you have been taking advantage of all the theological goodness flowing around here at the moment. And we’ve had a lot of different contributors bringing us posts as well.

Anyway, before moving on to the link lists, I want to highlight some things that have been going on off-blog over the past month.

The first thing is that David Congdon has published a new book! (I know, I know – I don’t know how he does it... And yes, I’m very jealous!) Here’s the vital information, and be sure to click over and order a copy if you haven’t yet: David Congdon, The God Who Saves: A Dogmatic Sketch (Cascade). David also put up a blog post about the book that contains a lot of helpful information: an extensive table of contents, an excerpt, reading tips, and even a reflection on how this book relates to his previous books.

Second, our intrepid associate editor, Scott Jackson, has been posting some things on his page. So surf over there and give him a much deserved views boost while also sampling some of the theological zest that he has on offer. And don’t forget to follow him!

Third and finally, I’ve been playing around more with the video as a medium for theological reflection. This time I interviewed Kate Hanch about Julian of Norwich. If you’re reading this, you no doubt have already noticed that it embedded below for your convenience. (Kate blogged about it too.)

Ok, then – time for the links! Here’s what we’ve been up to at DET:

And here’s more thought-provoking material from around the interwebs:

Happy reading until next time!


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