Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…
…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.
It’s been so, so, so much longer than a fortnight since the last link post - way back in…August.
Lots has happened since then, obviously. Including Theology Beer Camp and ARR/SBL in Denver. And so on.
For instance, we’ve also seen the shuttering of Faith and Theology, long a premier online theological contributor. One hopes that Ben will change his mind, or at least throw up the odd post from time to time, but at present things don’t sound to hopeful in that regard. In any case, it certainly makes one think.
In more cheerful news, DET’s own Scott Jackson published a piece on Oscar Romero’s Political Theology over at The Christian Century, reviewing a recent book. That’s worthy of some celebration, in my humble opinion. Well done, Scott!
Princeton Theological Seminary has posted a lot of information regarding the role of slaves and slavery in its institutional history. I haven’t yet been able to read it all. I know a fair bit of it from working in the library’s Special Collections when a student there, but I’m very glad that they have completed and published this report. It is an important step.
Also, The Presbyterian Outlook published a review of my Helmut Gollwitzer book (Our God Loves Justice), written by Ken Kovacs. Many thanks, Ken!
Speaking of #OGLJ, the good folks over at Theology Corner (thanks especially to Stephen Waldron) were kind enough to host a series of posts on the book. They even gave me a chance to respond! So here are all those links collected helpfully in one place:
- Helmut Gollwitzer: Justification and Resistance to Oppression
- Three Ways Helmut Gollwitzer Can Help Christians in the US Think About Socialism
- Helmut Gollwitzer, Marxism, and the Transcendence of God
- Doing Theology in Public
- “Wholly Other” and “Wholly Human”? On Helmut Gollwitzer and Theopolitical Imagination
- McMaken Responds
Anyway, this section of the post could go on and on given how long it has been since the last one, so I’ll just stop here and give you the list of DET posts that have appeared in the meantime:
- New Review: Undomesticated Dissent by Curtis W. Freeman
- “We must become the prayer”: an anonymous missive on the pastoral task after the death of God
- Communicating Solidarity: Romero's Final Ecumenical Gesture
- What’s the Deal with Wolfhart Pannenberg? A guest post by Andrew Hollingsworth
- The Praxis of Empathy - Michael Jimenez on Theology as Biography
- “God Likes Diversity” - A Primer on Multicultural Ministry from a Metro Atlanta Church
- St. Hereticus's Christmas Carol
And here is your list of interesting things to read from around the interwebs:
- The Whitesplaining of History Is Over
- 'Religious left' emerging as U.S. political force in Trump era
- Traditional Marriage Would Truly Shock Our Ancestors, But Not For The Reason You Think
- Reflections on Kait Dugan’s “Charlottesville, Virginia”
- When Men Versus When Women Preach
- Is your stress changing my brain?
- Things are getting so politically correct these days that one can’t even disregard basic human rights anymore
- Textbook Racism: How scholars sustained white supremacy
- 35 Unforgettable, Funny, Moving, And Uplifting Quotes About Writing
- The Evangelical Search for Authenticity
- Maybe it’s time to admit that the “grotesque caricature” of white evangelicals is the reality
- What Romance Really Means After 10 Years of Marriage
- Self-care in Research
- “Black liberation theology alive and well”: James Cone at YDS
- The Ugly Truth of Being a Black Professor in America
- US religion is worth $1.2T/year, more than America's 10 biggest tech companies, combined
- Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!
- Black liberation theologian James Cone dies at 79
- The Evangelical Obsession With Black Abortion
- Make Sex Great Again: Things Were Better Back Then
- Heath Carter and “Union Made”
- The Greater Than Great Mute of 2018
- I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye: Kanye West wants freedom—white freedom
- Save Barnes & Noble!
- A philosophical defence of the traditional lecture
- ‘If God Is White, Kill God’: Why Dr. James Cone Was Once the Most Hated Theologian in America
- Why Donald Trump talked about 'ratings' standing next to 3 recently freed prisoners
- Who Is Karl Marx: Meet the Anti-Capitalist Scholar
- More seminary students leave the Master of Divinity behind
- The Erotic Professor: Money and the murky boundary of teaching and sex
- The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy
- The Global-Church Industrial Complex
- Karl Barth and the Barmen Declaration (1934)
- Clear as Mud (on the academic job market)
- AAR Presidents Remember Rev. Dr. James Cone
- Socialism’s forgotten roots in Black America
- Keri L. Day: Rethinking what we mean when we speak about Christian theology
- The Politics of the Global Suffering Body of Christ
- The Radical Preacher of Palo Alto
- A Lawyer With a Passion for Justice: A Conversation with Susan Vincent
- Humanities and the liberal arts: Creative thinking for fractured times
- Joint Statement on the Value of Liberal Education by AAC&U and AAUP
- Remembering James Cone
- Pardons, Obstruction of Justice and the Rule of Law in the Demagogic Presidency
- The Black American Holiday Everyone Should Celebrate but Doesn’t
- More than 600 United Methodists file formal church complaint against Jeff Sessions
- Exclusive: Pope criticizes Trump administration policy on migrant family separation
- Evangelical Leaders Lament Border Separations, but Stand Behind Trump
- Outrage: To whom are we responsible?
- How to Look Away: A corollary to a politics of destabilized truth is a politics of destabilized empathy
- Trump’s Executive Order Turns Family Separation Into Family Incarceration
- Crisis Desideratus: A Sermon on Mark 4:35-41
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