Karl Barth on the Church in Excess and Defect - The Small Print
This is from the posthumously published ethics section of CD 4.4, entitled The Christian Life , 136-8. The bold sections are large print given to set the stage; the normal text is Barth's small print: The one form of the denial and apostasy is the church in excess, the presumptuous church which exalts itself and puffs itself up. At this point one is naturally inclined as a Protestant to think especially of the Roman church. There may be something in this. But one should keep in view that the Roman church is not just a church in excess, involved in apostasy only on this side. One should also keep in view that, even if in less striking and classical form, the church in excess, in apostasy on this side, may be very clearly seen in the non-Roman Christian world, not only on its right wing among the Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, and Lutherans, but also on the left wing, even down to the Baptists, though only on the margin. [Ed: It's very interesting to me that Barth puts Luther...