DET Book Giveaway Contest This Week!

That’s right! It’s time to give that book away!

For those of you who may have forgotten, DET is giving away a copy of the new Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth (WJK, 2013) edited by Richard Burnett.

The call went out, submissions came in (fewer than I would have liked, but enough), and now it is time for you – gentle readers – to choose a winner!

So here’s how this is going to work…

We have three contenders. Starting tomorrow (Tuesday), I will post one entry a day through Thursday. The posts will go up in alphabetical order by author. On Friday I will post a poll and folks will have a chance to vote through the weekend.

The author who gets the most votes gets the book! I’ll post one week from today to officially ratify the results.

In the interests of full disclosure, I have (very lightly) edited the submissions for typos, etc.

I’m excited! But then, free books always get me going. Apparently it works even if I’m not the one getting them… Come back tomorrow for the first entry!



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