Breaking News—DET KBBC Book is now in print!

That’s right! After years of waiting, the revised and expanded proceedings from the 2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference have finally been published! Here is the vital information:

W. Travis McMaken and David W. Congdon (eds.), Karl Barth in Conversation (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014).

Head on over the W&S website to order a copy and take advantage of a special price for online orders ($29.60 rather than the retail $37)! You can take a peek at the front matter and table of contents here.

Many thanks to the contributors, but also to the many readers of DET and the KBBCs over the years that made this project happen. Interacting with folks on theological topics is what makes theology blogs fun, and this book is a monument to lots of the fun that has been had here at DET over the years.

But enough being sappy, here are the endorsements for the book:

"This book is an exciting and important contribution to Barth studies. It breaks open the potential cul-de-sac of Barth scholarship to new conversation partners and thinkers. The result is a fascinating collection of essays that brings out new accents on Barth's work and offers constructive insights for the future of theology. . . . Let us hope this book sets an agenda for the future."
—Tom Greggs, Professor of Historical and Doctrinal Theology, King's College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland

"In this welcome collection of colorful and stimulating input from young scholars, we get to eavesdrop on some new 'conversations' surveying a diverse range of themes, and in the wake of the fresh questions raised, we are invited to hear again what Barth and others have heard and misheard."
—Jason Goroncy, Dean of Studies, Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, New Zealand

"This is a fascinating and instructive set of essays by a group of talented young theologians. These studies offer fresh perspectives on the thought of Barth and his dialogue partners and suggest new pathways for further exploration. Here we see both the ongoing power of Barth's theology to stimulate new conversations and the creative potential of a new generation of Barth scholars."
—Adam Neder, Associate Professor of Theology, Whitworth University, Washington

What are you waiting for? Go order a copy!



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