Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Forgive me, gentle readers, for I have sinned: it has been nearly a month since the last link post. So, as you might imagine, we have some catching up to do. There’s been lots happening here at DET and elsewhere, and I hope that you’ll take this opportunity to make sure you’re up to speed.

And hopefully it will take you a little while to work through the backlog. Because we’re going to take a couple weeks off here and go on a hiatus until April 5th. What with Spring breaks and Holy Weeks, we’ve got other things to do. But we’ll see you on the other side and the below will keep you busy. And if they don’t suffice, dig into the archives of serials, book reviews, and even the KBBC. Trust me: DET is coming up on 10 years, and we’ve got more than enough in our archives to keep you busy for two weeks.

Just a few highlights that don’t fall into the below categories:

  • I have now completed my Reading Scripture With John Calvin series on Malachi. You can access this series in the serials index (it’s down at the bottom), or you can access it – or even download it – as a .pdf here. (The RSJC series on 1 Peter is similarly available here.) Come back on April 5th to see what series I’ll be reviving to plug the gap in our hearts and minds left by the temporary suspension of this Calvin series.
  • Those responsible for steering the Lindenwood University ship have decided that I should give the commencement speech to our undergraduates this May. I can’t decide if this is punishment or an honor, but I’m telling myself that it’s the latter. The campus newspaper website has a brief write-up.
  • You may recall that I spoke at the TF Torrance Theological Fellowship meeting at the American Academy of Religion back in November. (I posted about it.) Well, the TFTTF folks made a video recording of my lecture, so if you’re dying to watch me talk for about 70 minutes, you can make up for your abject failure to attend this ground-breaking lecture [Ed. note: we want to be clear that tongues are very firmly planted in cheeks with reference to the forgoing statement.] The lecture will be published in Participatio later in the year.

And now on to the links!





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