Read + Reflect: 28 Days with Martin (Installment #1)
Dear Gentle Readers,
like many of you, am a white pastor ministering to a predominantly white
congregation in a predominantly white suburb (a suburb of St. Louis in my case)
who is, nonetheless, always striving to push myself and my flock into the work
of antiracism, liberation, and critical consciousness. And this, I will often
contend to my parish, should hit close to home specifically for us given our
geographical proximity to the killing of Michael brown and the resultant
Ferguson riots—the event that launched the Black Lives Matter movement into the
national spotlight.
believe that predominantly white churches should always be reflecting on the
ways in which we can be standing in solidarity with the Black community and
ways we can make an impact in the fight for racial justice. The rub, though, is
how to move our often-apathetic white congregations into a space of care and
concern for issues of injustice that don’t affect them. Luckily for you, gentle
readers, this is exactly the question my doctoral work is examining, so
(hopefully) there will be more articles forthcoming on this question.
any case, one of the ways I’m encouraging my congregation to learn about the
social roots of black oppression in modernity is through an educational series
called Read + Reflect: 28 Days with Martin. Everyday in the month of February,
I will publish a brief excerpt of Martin Luther King Jr.’s writing and a short
reflection question on my church’s Facebook account and via email to those who
subscribe to our Social Justice Team. My hope is that these short, regular
exposures to King’s words—which often expand beyond then-current race relations
and into theology, philosophy, economics, and militarism—will stir something in
people to become more educated, advocate for justice, and carry on King’s
series will be published in five parts, with the first installment listed below
for this week, February 1-5. Subsequent weeks will be published on Sundays for
the following weeks. I encourage you to make use of these however you’re able
for your churches and ministries, whether that’s social media, email, small
groups, or something else. It’s a joy to join together with you in the work of
1 February 2023
anywhere is a threat to injustice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable
network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one
directly, affects all indirectly.” (Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963)
critically about 21st century America: What are some examples we can point to
where injustice in one context affects injustice in another?
2 February 2023
can never forget that there is something within human nature that can respond
to goodness, that man is not totally depraved; to put it in theological terms,
the image of God is never totally gone.” (Love, Law, and Civil Disobedience,
believed that no matter who someone is, there is something inside of them that can
be appealed to for the cause of love and justice. Think about the people in
your own life; how might you appeal to that “something” inside of them that
they might take the side of the oppressed and help the cause of liberation?
3 February 2023
religion that professes to be concerned about the souls of men and is not
concerned about the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle
them and the social conditions that cripple them is a spiritually moribund
religion awaiting burial.” (Pilgrimage to Nonviolence, 1960)
can we, either as individuals or as a community of faith, ensure that our
religious commitments find an external, social expression and not merely an
internal, spiritual one?
4 February 2023
peace is not merely the absence of some negative force—tension, confusion, or
war; it is the presence of some positive force—justice, good will and
brotherhood.” (Nonviolence and Racial Justice, 1957)
a difference between being free “from” something and being free “for”
something. As Christians, in what ways are we uniquely free “for” the works of
justice and liberation?
5 February 2023
will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness
like a mighty stream.” (I Have a Dream, 1963)
a moment and mediate on King’s imagery here: What do you, personally, think it
would look like for justice and righteousness to saturate contemporary society?
[Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are taken from A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., ed. James M. Washington, (New York: HarperCollins, 1991).]
