First review of my “The Sign of the Gospel”
Long-time and well-known biblio- and theo-blogger, Jim West, who currently writes over at Zwinglius Redivivus , recently posted a link to a review of my book that he has written . As far as I know, this is my book’s first review ever! (In case any of you, gentle readers, have a terrible memory or some kind of amnesia, my book is entitled The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth , Fortress: 2013 .) As I read it, Jim’s review is very positive. And that means quite a bit to me because he represents part of the demographic to which I addressed the volume. I am particularly gratified by his following comment: M., unlike other Barth commentators, actually correctly perceives Barth’s purpose and he understands Barth well enough to ‘get him right’. M., in brief, doesn’t do Barth the disservice of putting words into his mouth. Barth speaks with his own voice and M. interacts with the Basel theologian at every turn: not in an attempt to corr