Bringing Sexy Back for DET’s Birthday!
Observe the pictures above, gentle readers. On the left you see pictured Justin Timberlake, singer, songwriter, actor, etc, and on the right is pictured David W. Congdon, kickass dialectical theologian. Both men, it could be argued, have brought, are bringing, and will continue to bring the proverbial “sexy” back. Only one of them, however, is also bringing Rudolf Bultmann back. Unless, that is, the gentleman on the left has as yet hidden depths… I hear you, gentle readers, I can see into your minds: “What, oh what,” you ask yourselves, “does this have to do with our beloved, esteemed, decorous theology blog?” I’m glad you asked. You see, tomorrow is DET’s 11th birthday, and I felt that this momentous occasion warranted breaking our current hiatus to conduct something of a celebration. And since I won’t be at my computer terminal tomorrow on DET’s actual birthday, I thought I’d celebrate it today. What’s that? You wonder what on earth this has to do with Mr. Timberlake? Well, as s