Read + Reflect: 28 Days with Martin (Installment #1)
Dear Gentle Readers, I, like many of you, am a white pastor ministering to a predominantly white congregation in a predominantly white suburb (a suburb of St. Louis in my case) who is, nonetheless, always striving to push myself and my flock into the work of antiracism, liberation, and critical consciousness. And this, I will often contend to my parish, should hit close to home specifically for us given our geographical proximity to the killing of Michael brown and the resultant Ferguson riots—the event that launched the Black Lives Matter movement into the national spotlight. I believe that predominantly white churches should always be reflecting on the ways in which we can be standing in solidarity with the Black community and ways we can make an impact in the fight for racial justice. The rub, though, is how to move our often-apathetic white congregations into a space of care and concern for issues of injustice that don’t affect them. Luckily for you, gentle readers, this is exa