Brief Book Note: James Cone’s “Martin & Malcolm & America”

I haven’t been reading as much as I used to, what with this administrative appointment, but I’m still reading and I still want to share something about what I’m reading with you all, gentle readers. However, I don’t have time to write up a proper review that could go into the “What Am I Reading?” series, so I’ve decided to write up a few shorter “Brief Book Notes.” Here’s the first one. (And yes, some of my students may have got me going with bitmojis...) James H. Cone, Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare (Orbis, 2012). Sadly, my education was incredibly light on the African American experience, much less black theology, so I knew very little about Malcolm X and not much more about Martin Luther King, Jr. before I read this book. I did know, however, that James Cone (now, sadly, of blessed memory ) would steer me right, having read a number of his books previously to my great benefit. And he didn’t disappoint. In addition to simply learning a great deal ...