Brief Book Note: Jane Dawson’s “John Knox”

I’ve been interested in Knox for a while. There’s a set of framed woodcuts in my office: Luther in the middle, flanked by Calvin and Knox. And I recently read a book about him. Jane Dawson, John Knox (Yale, 2016). I read a bit about Knox a few years back. At the time I was finishing my theology class with a unit on the Scot’s Confession, and I put together some lectures on its background – and that included Knox. Come to think of it, I wrote a review of one of the books that I read at the time: Rosalind K. Marshall, John Knox (Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2000). I enjoyed that book but it isn’t really a scholarly source and ever since I’ve been waiting for a proper, scholarly, thickly footnoted critical biography of Knox from an academic historian. Suffice it to say that I was very excited when Dawson’s book came out, even if it has taken me a couple years to read it. Now, I’m not a professional reformation scholar, but I do play one on TV…or in my undergraduate classroom. When it c...