Thoughts on Ordination from Robert Jenson
The short Spring term has ended here at PTS, and commencement was held last weekend. While all those who I knew while an MDiv student here are long gone, I have enjoyed getting to know some of the students that have followed through my teaching responsibilities. A number of these have now graduated, and are taking up ecclesial responsibilities. When I cam across the below passage from Jenson, I felt compelled to post it for their benefit, and for the benefit of any others who might wander through. Robert W. Jenson, Visible Words: The Interpretation and Practice of Christian Sacraments (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press, 1978): 200. Specifically ministerial freedom is freedom to speak and act upon God’s word not only as a member and servant of the community, entrusted like all members with the community’s mission, but also independently of the community, over against the community. The community’s own proper life necessarily draws it away from the gospel. The community is calle...