Join me! Karl Barth, Crisis Theology, and Advent Class

Gentle readers, I come before you today to invite you to join me and some wonderful colleagues for a time of theological reflection on the legacy and continued relevance of Crisis Theology (you’re probably used to me calling it “dialectical theology”) during this advent season. Tripp Fuller has pulled together what is sure to be a wonderful series on this topic. A number of great scholars are contributing besides yours truly— Andrew Root , John Thatamanil , and David Congdon . And, of course, each of us will be talking with Tripp , so you know the conversations will be full of zesty theological goodness! Check out the images below for more information. Click either of them, or this link right here , to surf over and get more information. Tripp runs these courses on a “free will” donation basis—donate what you want and can, even if that’s $0. I hope to “see” you there! ================================== Follow @WTravisMcMaken