Its That Time of Year
I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to you, my many readers (tongue placed firmly in cheek), for the low level of activity here at DET. There are a couple of reasons for this.
First, I am hard at work organizing the 2008 Barth Blog Conference, which at this stage means (unfortunately) pestering those who have committed to write and who have missed the deadline. If you are one of these persons, please get your text in so that this second conference might be even more successful than the first.
Second, and this is the real issue, it is that time of year when students in higher educational institutions everywhere sequester themselves and do their best to write final papers. I was on something of an overload schedule this semester, so I have been hit particularly hard. The good news is that I only have one more paper to go. With any luck it won't take too long, as I have quite a full academic and personal schedule this Summer. In any case, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I simply cannot wait for a year from now when I will be done with coursework...forever!
So, there you have it. Hopefully this lull won't last too much longer. In the meantime, there are plenty of good things to read. Check out the DET archives, and especially the serials and collaborative projects (links at top of right panel). Also, there are a number of links in the sidebar to other blogs worth your time.
In the meantime, here are a few photos. (1) A stack of books that I am returning to the library today. (2) My trusty personal library, or at least the bulk of it. It might be fun if some of you made comments about what you take to be the themes of certain of the shelves. Of course, you can browse my library through a link in the sidebar. (3) The texts with which I am primarily concerned in this last paper. You can read these texts for yourself at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, for which there is a link in the sidebar.

First, I am hard at work organizing the 2008 Barth Blog Conference, which at this stage means (unfortunately) pestering those who have committed to write and who have missed the deadline. If you are one of these persons, please get your text in so that this second conference might be even more successful than the first.
Second, and this is the real issue, it is that time of year when students in higher educational institutions everywhere sequester themselves and do their best to write final papers. I was on something of an overload schedule this semester, so I have been hit particularly hard. The good news is that I only have one more paper to go. With any luck it won't take too long, as I have quite a full academic and personal schedule this Summer. In any case, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I simply cannot wait for a year from now when I will be done with coursework...forever!
So, there you have it. Hopefully this lull won't last too much longer. In the meantime, there are plenty of good things to read. Check out the DET archives, and especially the serials and collaborative projects (links at top of right panel). Also, there are a number of links in the sidebar to other blogs worth your time.
In the meantime, here are a few photos. (1) A stack of books that I am returning to the library today. (2) My trusty personal library, or at least the bulk of it. It might be fun if some of you made comments about what you take to be the themes of certain of the shelves. Of course, you can browse my library through a link in the sidebar. (3) The texts with which I am primarily concerned in this last paper. You can read these texts for yourself at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, for which there is a link in the sidebar.
And, yes, you do spy correctly. I was not always the rather moderate Reformed theologian you see before you, but rather started out a conservative evangelical. My library has not yet been entirely purged. Now that you mention it, I don't know if I really have any use for that book. Maybe I can get $5 for it on Amazon!