Announcing the 2008 Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary

That is right! Your intrepid band of PTS theo-bloggers are at it again, organizing and combining their efforts to bring you coverage of the 2008 Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary. This year’s Stone Lecturer is George Marsden, noted historian and Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. His lectures are entitled “Rip Van Edwards: President Jonathan Edwards Returns to Princeton After 250 Years,” and promise to be interesting – to say the least. I encourage you to take a look at the official poster for the lectures.

Links to coverage of each lecture will be provided at each participating blog. The following is a schedule of the lectureship’s coverage:

Monday, Oct 6, 7PM – David Congdon
Tuesday, Oct 7, 1.15PM – Darren Sumner
Tuesday, Oct 7, 7PM – Chris TerryNelson
Wednesday, Oct 8, 7PM - David Congdon
Thursday, Oct 9, 12.45PM – Travis McMaken

So, stay tuned! The fun begins tomorrow!


ruthdemitroff said…
For those of us not connected with Princeton Theological Seminary, perhaps you could provide us with the reason Rip Van Edwards is the topic of choice? I read the Wiki writeup on Jonathon Edwards but I don't understand what is happening in Princeton at the moment to spur an interest in Jonathon Edwards. How about an introductory post to bring the rest of us up to speed?

Most of us are asking similar questions. I think we will have to wait and see what Marsden has to say in his first lecture.
Darren said…
I'm rather curious myself. Though we have an Edwards course taught by an Edwards scholar here at PTS, I've never thought of the seminary as particularly Edwardsian (Edwardian?).

Looking forward to hearing from George Marsden, however.

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