Latest Updates on “Our God Loves Justice” (#OGLJ)

Just because DET has been unnaturally quiet for a while doesn’t mean that I haven’t been up to other of my usual tricks or that there hasn’t been stuff happening. Quite the contrary, in fact. And this post will get you back up to speed on my book, Our God Loves Justice: An Introduction to Helmut Golwitzer.

I present the following in no particular order:

One: I appeared on Liam Miller’s podcast – “Love, Rinse, Repeat” – to talk about Gollwitzer, and the true socialism of the kingdom of God.

Two: I joined Dean Dettloff and Matt Bernico on The Magnificast. Click here to listen!

Three: I returned for another appearance on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. Click here to listen! See you at theology beer camp?

Four: #OGLJ was “briefly noted” by The Presbyterian Outlook.

Five: Stephen Waldron reviewed #OGLJ for Reading Religion, an online publication from the AAR.

Six: David Roberts included #OGLJ in his list of “things I’ve read recently that you should read too.”

Seven: I discussed Gollwitzer and revolutionary violence as part of a blog conference at Theology Corner.

Eight: Wyatt Houtz reviewed #OGLJ at his blog, PostBarthian.

Nine: I responded to David Hunsicker’s thoughts on #OGLJ. Don’t miss the continued discussion in the comments thread of this one.

There, you should be reasonably caught up, at least for now.

What? You still haven’t read #OGLJ? You heard that it is very reasonably priced? You’re desperate to order a copy? Never fear, just click right here!


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