Adult Spiritual Formation Class - Reflecting on the Lectionary Texts for the Third Sunday in Lent (RCL Year C)

This is the third of what has been a three part series of adult spiritual formation / education (Sunday School) classes that I recently finished teaching at St. Charles Presbyterian Church (USA), here in March of 2022. The date for this particular recording was March 20, 2022. During this series, I lead discussion of the Revised Common Lectionary texts for these Sundays in Lent. Many thanks to my sisters and brothers who joined in the conversation.
This Sunday's readings were:
  • Isaiah 55:1-9
  • Psalm 63:1-81
  • 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
  • Luke 13:1-9
You can access these readings here.

We discussed things like:
  • Spiritualizing vs eschatological / apocalyptic approaches to the Judeo-Christian tradition in these texts
  • More on Judaism, Christianity, and the perils of supercessionism
  • A God-inspired vision of what the world could be if we could "buy...without money" and not "labor of that which does not satisfy"
  • God's people as attracting the interest of the nations and drawing them in rather than a geographically expansionist view
  • A moral interpretation for God's thoughts and ways being different than ours
  • Allegorical interpretation in Paul even if the Reformers didn't much care for it as an interpretive strategy
  • Bad things don't happen to you because you're a bad person


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