
Showing posts from January, 2025

§2 Introduction & Salutation, 1:1-5 (session 5, part 1)—Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: A Presbyterian Adult Spiritual Formation Series

[The series continues and now commences the fifth in-person session.  Find the last post here .]   McMaken: Last time we spoke about Nancy Bedford’s work on Galatians . We talked about her way of talking about the structure of Galatians as a chiasm, and I emphasized at the end of our time together a quote from Bedford wherein she sums up her understanding of what Galatians is all about. She said:   “The theological structure of the epistle shows that though the themes, that though themes such as justification do have their place, it is the character of the liberating and loving God manifested as Son, Father, and Spirit as well as the empowering, life-giving relationship of human beings to God that enliven Paul's letter with its themes of goodness, freedom, and justice.” [1]   This is how she helps us shift the center of our attention in reading Galatians away from just the doctrine of salvation, as we Protestants have understood it, to try to focus more ...

George Hunsinger on contemporary “belly worshippers” (Philippians 3:18–19)

As I mentioned in a previous post , I’ve been reading George Hunsinger’s entry in the Brazos Theoloical Commentary on the Bible series on Philippians. And I’ve come across another compelling tidbit that I’d like to share with you all. George Hunsinger, Philippians , Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (Grand Rapids: BrazosPress, 2020). In this passage, Hunsinger explicates Philippians 3:18–19. Here is the translation that he works from: For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. (p. 118) What I appreciate about Hunsinger’s treatment of his passage is the effortless and incisive way that he traverses the historical distance between concise explications of “the many” in Paul’s own day and “the many” in our day. Italics in what follows is from the original while bol...

Celebrate 5000 downloads for The McKrakenCast!

Those of you, gentle readers, who have been here before will undoubtedly be aware that I have a small podcasting venture, entitled— The McKrakenCast . It is a modest venture, but I enjoy having an outlet for the spoken word in addition to the written word. I’m pleased to share with you that The McKrakenCast has now surpassed 5000 downloads! I know this isn’t a particularly large number in the grand scheme of things, but I’m rather proud of this modest milestone. So, in honor of the day, I wanted to share with you two lists—first, a top 5 from the podcast’s first 5k downloads; second, a top 5 “podcaster’s choice” deep cuts from the podcast’s catalog. Top 5 Episodes Part 1 - Scots Confession, History & Theology Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - Introduction Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - §1: The Word of God as the Problem of Dogmatics Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings - A conversation with the editors Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" ...