Celebrate 5000 downloads for The McKrakenCast!

Those of you, gentle readers, who have been here before will undoubtedly be aware that I have a small podcasting venture, entitled—The McKrakenCast. It is a modest venture, but I enjoy having an outlet for the spoken word in addition to the written word.

I’m pleased to share with you that The McKrakenCast has now surpassed 5000 downloads! I know this isn’t a particularly large number in the grand scheme of things, but I’m rather proud of this modest milestone.

So, in honor of the day, I wanted to share with you two lists—first, a top 5 from the podcast’s first 5k downloads; second, a top 5 “podcaster’s choice” deep cuts from the podcast’s catalog.

Top 5 Episodes
  1. Part 1 - Scots Confession, History & Theology
  2. Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - Introduction
  3. Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - §1: The Word of God as the Problem of Dogmatics
  4. Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings - A conversation with the editors
  5. Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - §3: Deus Dixit (“God has spoken”)
I see a bit of a trend above. As is generally the case, my work on Barth generates the greatest interest.

Podcaster’s Choice Deep Cuts
  1. Scots Confession Series—since the #1 spot above was claimed by the first installment of this series, it only makes sense to highlight the rest of the series for you. I have rather a soft spot for this material.
  2. I don’t preach very often at all, but I did twice in the summer of 2024, and I think the sermons turned out halfway decently. Here are two sermons: "Choices" - A Sermon on Ephesians 1, and "Blood" - A Sermon on Ephesians 1:7
  3. Of course, I must highlight some content created with my theologically conjoined twin, David Congdon. Here are two such offerings: Introducing Dialectical Theology, with David Congdon, and Congdon & McMaken - The Torres Interview
  4. As I mentioned above, my work on Barth tends to generate the most interest. I’ve also happened to have the opportunity to engage in some interesting dialogue across the Barthian / Process Theology lines—not least with my Lindenwood University College of Arts and Humanities Colleague, Nichole Torbitzky. Three of those conversations are available on the podcast:
  5. Finally, many of you will be aware that I have a soft spot in my theological heart for John Calvin, and I would be remiss if I did not include some of my content on Calvin in this list. Here are two offerings: Biography of a Calvin Reader (How I Read John Calvin, part 1), and John Calvin and the Natural Knowledge of God (How I Read John Calvin, Part 2)
You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon, as well as on many of your favorite podcasting apps. Thank you all for your ongoing interest, both here at DET and over at The McKrakenCast!



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