2007 Warfield Lectures: Introduction

Named in honor of Annie Kinkead Warfield, the wife of of B. B. Warfield - the last great member of the ‘Old Princeton School’ of North American Presbyterian theology, each year Princeton Theological Seminary welcomes an esteemed Christian theologian and / or intellectual to present a series of lectures. This year, Dr. Kathryn Tanner will be delivering the Warfield lectures beginning at 7:00 PM on Monday, and continuing until after the final lecture Thursday evening.

About Dr. Tanner (excerpted from the Chicago Div. School webpage): “Kathryn Tanner does constructive Christian theology in the Protestant tradition, with the intent of addressing contemporary challenges to belief through the creative use of both the history of Christian thought and interdisciplinary methods, such as critical, social, and feminist theory.”

It is my pleasure to announce that David Congdon (DC, Fire and Rose), Chris TerryNelson (CTN, Disruptive Grace), and myself (WTM) will be posting notes and comments on these lectures throughout the coming week. These notes and comments will be posted as soon as possible after the lecture in question.

Dr. Tanner’s Warfield lecture series is entitled, “Christ as Key.” Below are the specifics of the schedule, topics, and an indication of which of your dedicated PTS theo-bloggers will be covering a particular lecture. The below will also serve as an index to the lectures as the blog posting associated with each lecture is linked in.

  1. “In the Image of the Invisible” (Monday, March 19, 7:00 PM) – DC

  2. “Grace Without Nature” (Tuesday, March 20, 1:15 PM) - WTM

  3. “Trinitarian Life” (Tuesday, March 20, 7:00 PM) - DC

  4. “Kingdom Come” (Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 PM) - CTN

  5. “Death and Sacrifice” (Thursday, March 22, 1:15 PM) - WTM

  6. “Workings of the Spirit” (Thursday, March 22, 7:00 PM) - CTN


I look forward to reading these!


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