2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference: Respondents Needed

The Karl Barth Blog Conference is coming along. We have a good batch of plenary posters lined up, and the task is now to find good respondents. Many e-mails have gone out to this end, but there are a few slots for which it has been hard to find willing and able respondents. So, if you are interested in participating in the 2010 Barth Blog Conference, and have not yet found a place to do so, here is your chance!

If you are interested in responding to plenary posts on Barth in Conversation With...

Sarah Coakley


Paul Tillich

Send an e-mail to derevth [at] gmail [dot] com. Don't delay!

More slots for respondents may be posted in the near future, but don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today!


Tim said…
"the task is not to find good respondents" :)

Thanks, I fixed it. ;-)
Glenn Kleier said…
Dear Mr. McMaken,

Currently I'm developing a book in which Rev. Karl Barth features prominently, and I'd like to display the photo of him that you show in your blog, and possibly some from your Facebook page. Could you possibly refer me to your source(s) for the images? Would you know if copyright restrictions apply?
Many thanks for your help.


Glenn Kleier
4005 Whiteblossom Estates Court
Louisville, KY 40241
Hi Glenn,

I pulled the images from the web, so I'm not sure about what restrictions might apply in terms of using them for a formal project. Your best course of action will be to contact the Center for Barth Studies.

I'd be interested in hearing more about your project. All the best!

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