Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Hey, look at that! This post is only a week overdue, since the last link post was three weeks ago. That’s doing pretty well, considering my track record lately.

There’s been lots of stuff going on as usual at DET and across the theo-blogosphere, and this post is your one-stop-shop to catch up on anything that you missed. So kick back with your beverage of choice, flip your brain into “theology blog” mode, and enjoy some stimulating reads!

Here’s what we’ve been up to here at DET:

No, you read that right: we did have a post about C. S. Lewis. I know! I’m just as surprised as you, gentle reader.

In any case, here’s some good food for thought from elsewhere:



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