Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Well, this is embarrassing. I’m so ashamed that I nearly decided to trash these posts altogether so that I wouldn’t have to admit that is has been nearly two months since the last link post. And they have been an eventful nearly two months! We had a presidential election, those of us in the religious studies / theology / biblical studies fields had the annual joint meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, and there was a holiday in there too…oh yeah, Thanksgiving! So, this post is going to be jam packed with all manner of goodies. Before we get deeper in, I need to highlight some things.

After this post, DET will be on holiday hiatus until the new year. Never fear! We shall return to provide the thought-provoking grist for your intellectual mill that you’ve come to expect us to provide. The intrepid Scott Jackson is even ahead of the game, with a number of posts ready to roll in 2017. So we’ll see you in a few weeks. But, until then, you’ve got this post to work through – not to mention all the DET archives. Just remember to use a spool of string or leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind you when you dive into the archives – they are so deep and rich that I worry people will get lost!

Ok, the next big announcement is that David Congdon and I (Travis McMaken) have started a Society for Dialectical Theology (you can read David’s announcement post too). So if you like dialectical theology and want to know more about it, surf over and sign up. There are no membership fees or anything like that, and we’d be happy to have you. And if you aren’t entirely clear on what dialectical theology is all about, David and I made an introductory video:

Speaking of videos, my Lindenwood colleague, Nichole Torbitzky, joined me for another video on Karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne / Process theology:

David was also video-interviewed about his new book, The God Who Saves:

In addition to that video-interview, David’s book (the same one) was reviewed as well. And while we’re on the subject of interviews, the folks over at Karl Barth for Dummies recently re-posted the text of the interview that I did with them back in 2014.

Finally, to wrap up this rather lengthy introductory section, the intrepid Scott Jackson felt the need to do some moonlighting back at his old blog. Don’t worry: HR is looking into the contractual situation. In the meantime, you may enjoy the post: Yes, the Reformation Still Matters.

Whew! Now on to what’s been happening here at DET!

And here’s a look at what’s been happening around the interwebs:

See you all in 2017!


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Anonymous said…
Wow. I really like what you all are doing. Have in in my fav list. Just remember, there is no synthesis to the dialectic this side of heaven! ( Barth, Lectures on Calvin)
That's kind of you to say, Archie. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you make a habit out of doing so. :-)

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