Meanwhile, back at the ranch… (2023.08.05 ed.)

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Ok, ok – so it’s been more like five months since the last updates post. I think I’ll finally go ahead and update the standard preamble on these post. They will become more strictly update posts with less of a focus on curated sets of links.

In any case, I hear you, gentle readers, asking within your hearts: “But, what are the updates?!” Well, I’ll tell you!

First, I appeared on an episode of the Bad Calvinists podcast to teach those bad Calvinist something about Calvin. It was time. Overdue, in fact. And we had a lot of fun talking about Calvin in general but also his theology of the Lord’s Supper / Eucharist / Communion and his pastoral side. I hope you check it out.

Second, I published a review in Interpretation on Paul J. DeHart’s book, Unspeakable Cults: An Essay in Christology (Baylor, 2021). It’s an interesting book. I hope you check it out along with my review.

Third, Ash Cocksworth and I appeared on an episode of the Homebrewed Christianity podcast to talk about our book, Karl Barth’s Spiritual Writings. It’s always a pleasure getting together with Ash to talk about this project, and I always enjoy spending time with Tripp as well. So this was a lot of fun. You won’t want to miss it.

Fourth and finally, and speaking of Tripp, he’s organizing another Theology Beer Camp – this time in Springfield, Missouri! I’ll be there, along with a bunch of other interesting people, to hang out and talk about theology and other interesting subjects (rumor has it that I might spend some time talking about Star Wars and religion…). Be sure to check out all the information and I hope you’ll be able to join us!

And now, here’s what’s we’ve been up to at DET since the last updates post:



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