Two Recent Podcast Appearances

Dear Gentle Readers,

I would usually save this sort of news for the next updates post, but an updates post was literally the last post and I wanted to share this with you sooner rather than later.

I was privileged to appear on two podcasts recently.

First, Quique Autrey was kind enough to have me on his Psyche podcast to talk about Karl Barth and politics. Along the way he induced me to tell a bit of my own story as well as Barth's story, and we even squeezed some Helmut Gollwitzer in there before we were done.

Second, Corey Tuttle, Ash Cocksworth, and I got together to talk Karl Barth's Spiritual Writings on Corey's The Karl Barth Podcast. It's always a pleasure to chat about how Ash and I connected around this project, as well as the ostensible oddity of putting together a book on Barth's spirituality. My conviction that this is the way to introduce Barth to church folks and seminarians continues to grow. And to all my professorial colleagues out there, if you assign this book in your class as a way of introducing Barth, I'd love to hop on a video call with you and your class sometime!

So, there you have it. Surf on over and have a listen to one or both! You have the links above but I'll embed them below as well. And remember, if you enjoy listening along rather thna reading, you can check out my McKrakenCast feed and YouTube channel (or my YouTube playlist of when I've appeared on other folks' channels) below as well.




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