2010 KBBC: Week 1, Outline and Biographical Information

Be sure to read the 2010 KBBC Welcome and Introduction.

  • Monday: Barth in Conversation with Friedrich Schleiermacher, Matt Bruce (plenary), Matthias Gockel (response).
  • Tuesday: Barth in Conversation with Herman Bavinck, Andrew Esqueda (plenary), Joel Esala (reponse).
  • Wednesday: Barth in Conversation with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Matt Puffer (plenary), Andy Rowell (response).
  • Thursday: Barth in Conversation with Paul Tillich, Derek Maris (plenary), Tripp Fuller (response).
  • Friday: Barth in Conversation with Robert Jenson, Peter Kline (plenary), Will Barnett (response).
Biographical Information

William Barnett is a PhD candidate in systematic theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. He also earned his MDiv from PTS and serves as an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is writing his dissertation on divine and human agency in the theology of Robert W. Jenson.

Matthew J. Aragon Bruce began his doctoral studies in the Theology Department at Princeton Seminary in 2007 with an emphasis in the history of doctrine. His dissertation is titled: “Freedom for Creation: Karl Barth’s Conception of Divine Freedom and the God-World Relation Considered in Light of the Influence of G.W.F. Hegel and F.W.J. Schelling.” Additional research areas include Christology, the doctrine of Creation, and human moral agency, particularly in conversation with medieval and modern theologians and philosophers.

Joel Esala is a pastor at Heritage Christian Church in Westerville, Ohio. He received a MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida in 2007, and a ThM in theology from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2008.

Andrew Esqueda has a BA in religion from Whitworth University, and is currently an MA student at Fuller Theological Seminary studying systematic theology. His work deals with Karl Barth’s theology, his contemporary interpreters, e.g., Eberhard Jüngel and Robert Jenson, as well as the intersection between philosophy and theology. Andrew blogs at Theo-blogology

Tripp Fuller is Minister of Youth at Neighborhood Church (UCC) in Palos Verdes, CA. He lives in Redondo Beach with his wife Alecia and son Elgin. Currently he is pursuing a PhD in Philosophical Theology at Claremont Graduate University and is Co-Host of the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast.

Matthias Gockel teaches at the Theological Faculty of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany. His book Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election: A Systematic-Theological Comparison was published with Oxford University Press in 2007.

Peter Kline is a PhD student of theology at Vanderbilt University. He earned a MDiv from Princeton Seminary, and a MTh from the University of Edinburgh. While at Princeton, Peter studied philosophy and theology with Robert Jenson, and he recently published an article on Jenson’s ecclesiology in the International Journal of Systematic Theology.

Derek Maris graduated from the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry program in 2009 from Friends University, and earned his bachelor degree from Manhattan Christian College in Family Ministry. His past three years were spent as a pastor to middle school students. He recently began the ThM program in Systematic Theology at Luther Seminary, with an eye on transitioning into the PhD program in January. He blogs at Stubbed Toes.

Matthew Puffer is a Religious Studies doctoral student in Theology, Ethics, and Culture at the University of Virginia. He holds an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and a BS in chemical engineering from North Carolina State University. His interests include theological anthropology, models of ethics, pluralism and public life, interfaith dialogue, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Andy Rowell is Doctor of Theology (ThD) student at Duke Divinity School and blogs at Church Leadership Conversations with Andy Rowell.


Anonymous said…
Very impressive line-up. I'm looking forward to the conference.

Bobby Grow said…
The line up looks good! I'm surprised that Barth's not talking with TFT.

He was supposed to originally, and yet may for the book version if the right confluence of conditions arises.

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