Impending PTS Warfield Lectures

I learned recently that Princeton Theological Seminary’s Warfield Lectures will return in March of 2011. If you are a longtime reader here at DET, you may remember that I teamed up with two theo-blog colleagues to bring you coverage of the 2007 Warfield Lectures delivered by Kathryn Tanner. These lectures have since been published as Tanner’s book, Christ the Key. There have been Warfield lectures since then – I remember that Randall Zachman delivered them in the Fall of 2009, but I was taking my exams at the time and could not attend; I very much regret this – but your (more-or-less) faithful PTS theo-bloggers have not been able to report on them.

Well, you’ll be happy to know that we are going to come through this time.

The 2011 Warfield Lectures will be delivered by Dr. David H. Kelsey, Luther Weigle Professor Emeritus of Theology at Yale Divinity School. His lectures will treat on the topic, “Glory, Kingdom, and Power: Stammering about God.”

Which intrepid PTS theo-bloggers will be bringing you coverage of this event? I am pleased to say that both David and I will be reprising our roles in this regard. However, our third – Chris TerryNelson – has been gone from PTS for over a year now, and is pasturing a church down in Tennessee. Thus indisposed, he will not be able to contribute. However, I am also pleased to announce that brand new PTS MDiv student Nathaniel Maddox is currently planning to help David and I shoulder the burden. We look forward to working with him.

So, there you have it – another DET event to look forward to after the impending 2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference!


Brad East said…
"Pasturing" a church...nice mix of vowels there.
Not a jot or a tittle!
Bobby Grow said…
Yeah, I noticed that too -- "pasturing" --- they are "shepherds" after all . . . nice, a double entendre ;-).

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