KBBC Session 2 Complete

The second weeklong session of this years Karl Barth Blog Conference is now over – at least in terms of new plenary posts and responses. Discussions are still under way, so catch up on your reading and jump into the conversation! Here is a quick outline with links:

The third and final weeklong session of the 2010 KBBC will take place sometime between AAR and Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for precise dates for that. Use the time until then to go back and re-read the contributions, make perceptive comments, or catch up on your KBBC reading – you can access the reading list through the widget in the right sidebar.

Also, remember that we’re going to be making this year’s KBBC into a book with Wipf&Stock. There are some fees associated with this. You can contribute to the cause by donating through Paypal by following this link or clicking the button on the right sidebar, or by using the book widget in the right sidebar to surf on over to Amazon and buy a book. A lot of people have given their time and energy to make this conference possible, and to present it to readers free of charge – why not show them a little support? If every unique visitor to this year’s KBBC had donated 10 cents USD, we’d be sitting pretty. As it is, we’re still quite short. So, throw us some spare change – every little bit helps! Using the Amazon widget to amp up your Barth studies library – or to buy anything you need on Amazon, once you’ve used the widget to surf over – is a good way to support the cause without parting with money you wouldn’t otherwise part with.

See you all soon for another session!


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