Who Said It? Installment, the First.
I've seen these sorts of posts on other blogs, and I've enjoyed them, but I never tried it here at DET. Well, today I correct that oversight. Feel free to leave comments trying to guess who said the following line, and I'll post a comment revealing the mystery writer on Monday (or something like that). Unfortunately I can offer no prize except satisfaction of a well nigh impossible feat accomplished. So, without further ado, I ask you: Who said it?
(P.S. Some attentive RSS feed readers may have gotten a head start on this task, so don't waste any time - register your guess right now!)
"Of all accusations against Christians, the most terrible one was uttered by Nietzsche when he said that Christians had no joy."
(P.S. Some attentive RSS feed readers may have gotten a head start on this task, so don't waste any time - register your guess right now!)
I've been reading through that book the past couple of weeks ... it has been a pleasure.
Did you Google it, Goroncy? ;-)