2011 PTS Barth Conference

It’s that time of year again – time to make plans to attend this year’s Barth Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary. This year’s conference title is Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Protestant-Catholic Dialogue, and it will take place June 19-22, 2011.

There are numerous web resources that you can check out for further information. For instance, you can check out the conference website, the conference Facebook group, or the conference Twitter account. If you are more old-school, you can also sign up for e-mail updates. If you want further information beyond all this, feel free to write the conference organizers: barth.conference [at] ptsem [dot] edu

Here is a list of conference speakers to whet your appetite a bit:

  • Speaking on Divine Being: Robert Jenson; and Richard Schenk
  • Speaking on the Trinity: Guy Mansini, OSB; and Bruce McCormack
  • Speaking on Christology: Keith Johnson; and Thomas Joseph White, OP
  • Speaking on Grace and Justification: Amy Marga; and Joseph Wawrykow
  • Speaking on Divine and Human Action: Holly Taylor Coolman; and John Bowlin

In addition to these high-quality speakers, a number of other cool and interesting folks will be in attendance: myself, for instance. ;-)

So, come check out Princeton, browse the PTS library (only slightly diminished by current construction projects), hear some good speakers on a very interesting topic, meet students and scholars from all over the place, and even a few bloggers. These conferences are always a good time, and it doesn’t look like this year will disappoint. I hope to see you in June!


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