Meanwhile, back at the ranch… (August 23, 2019 ed.)

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Bless me, gentle readers, for I have sinned. It has been nearly four months since my last confes…I mean…links and updates post.

Folks who know that I’m a university professor might be tempted to think that I might be more productive over the summer as opposed to the fall and spring semesters, given the general patterns of the academic calendar. Alas, none of that holds true for those of us in the academic administration game. I’ve got an 8–5 with a set number of vacation days just like any other working stiff.

But enough about me. You’re here for the best curated religion, theology, politics, higher education, and current events link list on the web!

Before diving into the links, however, I’d just like to highlight a piece by Eli Valentin, entitled “Toward a Post-Maria Puerto Rican Pastoral Theology”. He says some nice things about Helmut Gollwitzer and my book, Our God Loves Justice (#OGLJ).

Here’s what’s been happening on DET:

And here’s what’s been kicking around elsewhere on the interwebs:


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