Meanwhile, back at the ranch… (January 4, 2023 ed.)
Also, I’ve been working with Ash Cocksworth on a collection of Barth’s spiritual writings, and that is now published! This one I did post about and you can find that post in the list below. Click here to get your copy! While we were at it, Ash and I met up at AAR in Denver to participate on a panel on the book for the KBSNA - many thanks to the society’s leadership team for having us! Again, I didn’t post about this but I did tweet about it:It was an incredible honor to receive the Butler Bible Endowed Chair from Kathi Vosevich at yesterday's @Lindenwood_CAH meeting!
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) October 19, 2022
Huge "Thank You"s to Kathi and all my colleagues in CAH and at @LindenwoodU!
One last thing before I get to the real reason you’re here (the links!). The service that I previously used to coordinate email subscriptions ceased providing that service and I missed the announcement. Now I have changed services and can once again provide email subscriptions. So, please consider subscribing to ensure that you will never miss a DET post! There’s a box at the top of the left menu that you can use to subscribe, or you can click here. If it’s any motivation, I’m planning to start a substantial series on Galatians soon… But enough preamble. It’s time for links! Here’s what we’ve posted at DET over the past two years:Highlight of my #aarsbl2022 = finally meeting @ash_cocksworth in person!
— W. Travis McMaken (@WTravisMcMaken) November 19, 2022
We had a great time working together on our #KarlBarth #spiritual writings vol. Thanks to the KBSNA for doing a panel with us.
Check out the book in the exhibition hall or online:
- Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - §4: Man and His Question
- A nice (positive?! 🤣) surprise!
- Part 3 - Scots Confession, History & Theology
- Pagans in Heaven? Zwingli on "Anonymous Christianity"
- Brief Reflections on Christian Atheism
- Sacrificing LGBTQ+ Well-Being and More on the Altar of an Inerrant Bible
- Building the Revolution One Sandbox at a Time - a guest book review by Lauren R. E. Larkin
- "Between the Times" - Society for Dialectical Theology Digital Colloquium
- Labouring for the Kingdom: John O’Brien on Christianity and Social Democracy
- Part 4 - Scots Confession, History & Theology
- Adult Spiritual Formation Class - Reflecting on the Lectionary Texts for the First Sunday in Lent (RCL Year C)
- Adult Spiritual Formation Class - Reflecting on the Lectionary Texts for the Second Sunday in Lent (RCL Year C)
- Adult Spiritual Formation Class - Reflecting on the Lectionary Texts for the Third Sunday in Lent (RCL Year C)
- Stringfellow Contra Natural Law Theory
- "Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings" now available!
- Conservative Radical? William Stringfellow on Law and Justice
- Karl Marx's Mixed Legacy for Democratic Socialism - according to Gary Dorrien
- Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings - A conversation with the editors
- No Serenity Now? Hunsinger on Philippians 1:2
- John Calvin as Old Testament Interpreter: A Bundle of Contradictions
- Part 5 - Scots Confession, History & Theology (final installment)
- Tweeting Christine Tietz's "Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict"
Follow @WTravisMcMaken
