Meanwhile, back at the ranch… (January 4, 2023 ed.)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Wow. It’s been nearly two years since I posted one of those. The last one was in January of 2021. Things have been busy.

For example, back then, I was an associate professor of religion and the assistant dean of the School of Humanities here at Lindenwood. Then later that Spring, due to an administrative reorganization, I became the first associate dean of our College of Arts and Humanities. And then I was promoted to professor over the summer. And then, this past fall, I received an endowed chair from our dean – which meant a great deal to me. I tweeted about it but didn’t post:

Also, I’ve been working with Ash Cocksworth on a collection of Barth’s spiritual writings, and that is now published! This one I did post about and you can find that post in the list below. Click here to get your copy!

While we were at it, Ash and I met up at AAR in Denver to participate on a panel on the book for the KBSNA - many thanks to the society’s leadership team for having us! Again, I didn’t post about this but I did tweet about it:

One last thing before I get to the real reason you’re here (the links!). The service that I previously used to coordinate email subscriptions ceased providing that service and I missed the announcement. Now I have changed services and can once again provide email subscriptions. So, please consider subscribing to ensure that you will never miss a DET post! There’s a box at the top of the left menu that you can use to subscribe, or you can click here.

If it’s any motivation, I’m planning to start a substantial series on Galatians soon…

But enough preamble. It’s time for links! Here’s what we’ve posted at DET over the past two years:

And here are some other things you might think are worth reading: Let’s do this again sometime? Preferably before two more years go by!



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