Top 10 Posts from the First Half of 2013

That’s right, gentle readers, it’s time for another Top 10 Posts installment! I know that you’re all sitting on the edge of your seats with excitement over the chance to read wonderful posts that you’ve already read (perhaps even more than once!), so I won’t overburden you with a long introduction. Of course, if these posts somehow slipped under your radar heretofore, feel free to take this chance to catch up a bit on your DET reading. Of course, if this doesn’t do it for you – or if you like comparing things – you might check out which posts people were reading during the second half of 2012.

Final disclaimer: my metrics in compiling this cannot account for views a post receives when it is read from the main blog page; it can only account for direct views. So it is altogether possible that this list is fallible (*gasps!).

Top Ten:

  1. Why I Think…Ben Myers Isn’t Quite Right About TF Torrance - I’m kind of surprised. If my memory serves me, this post has topped the lists for the past year and a half (by a significant measure) . . .
  2. Is Atheism Evil? Karl Barth on Truly Dangerous Atheism - Never hurts to put “atheism” and “evil” together in a title, at least where traffic is concerned.
  3. So, You Want To Read Karl Barth? - This classic post fell from the #2 to the #3 slot.
  4. Reflections on Teaching Karl Barth to Undergraduates - This might have been the most fun-to-write post that I’ve written so far this year.
  5. Karl Barth on the Trinity, Dogma, Scripture, and Revelation - It never hurts to put “Barth” and “Trinity” in a post title, as far as traffic is concerned.
  6. Types of Theology - This post fell from the #5 slot last time. I’m still not altogether sure why this post generates so much attention (beyond the well-tuned title; perhaps that’s enough?).
  7. The Inexhaustible Problem of Sola Scriptura - a guest post by Collin Cornell - This very recent (not even a full month ago!) guest post deserves every bit of the readership that it has received, and more! I suspect that it will continue to be read. Visit Collin over at his blog, Kaleidobible.
  8. Books I Read in 2012 - This post likely attracts readers due to the same impulse that makes me mentally catalog the books on people’s shelves whenever I go into their offices.
  9. Karl Barth on Christianity, Religion, and Western Culture - Just a short reading note here, albeit covering some interesting ground.
  10. My Most Recent Publication: “The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth” - Pre-order my book!

Honorable Mentions:

These posts were well read but did not quite make the cut and / or they are posts that I think should be better read.

Happy reading!



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