Analytic Theology Course Award Program

Looking for funding for a theological project? Interested in the intersection of philosophy and theology? Want to put that interest to work in your teaching? Bring all these things together, and check out the Analytic Theology Course Award Program. There is some serious money involved here, so take a close look. Application deadlines is June 1, 2011.

Here is some more info from the official website:
The course award program is intended to stimulate the development and implementation of courses, or course segments, in analytic theology at divinity schools and departments of theology and religious studies. The program will provide five annual awards to faculty members who would like to develop and teach a course of one of the following two types:
  • Revised Required Courses – A required graduate survey course that does not currently contain a segment on analytic theology, and which the applicant would like to revise so that it does.
  • New Courses in Analytic Theology – A course dedicated to analytic theology. To qualify, such courses must, if selected, be taught for credit within major degree programs at the institution. Courses must qualify for credit towards a graduate degree in theology or religion and be a full semester, trimester, or quarter in duration. In addition, applicants must provide evidence from the overseeing administrator insuring that the course can be taught at least twice during the four year span after the course award is made.



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