Upcoming Lecture: Woodward Theological Society

It's turning into a week for announcements, it seems.

I've been thinking about Detroit much more lately due to the NHL playoffs - as the badge at the bottom of my blog indicates, I'm a big Red Wings fan. But I have lately been given another reason to think about Detroit. Some of you may remember my previous post about a new theological society starting up in the metro-Detroit area. As a native of SE Michigan (hence, Red Wings fan), I am excited about this initiative and want to see is succeed.

If you are theologically inclined and are in the area, please consider giving WTS your support. One concrete way that you can support WTS is by attending an upcoming lecture. At 5pm on May 7th, at 616 W. Hancock in Detroit, WTS is sponsoring a lecture by Mary Healy S.T.D, Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. WTS describes the lecture's content as follows:
Her talk, The Hermeneutic of Jesus, argues for a Christological reading of the Old Testament taking a detailed look at Jesus’ own manner of interpreting the Old Testament in the Gospel of Mark.
Surf over to the announcement on the WTS website for more information.



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