David Kelsey’s 2011 Warfield Lectures: Stay Tuned!

That’s right, DET readers – the intrepid PTS theo-bloggers have done it again. Some of us blogged Kathryn Tanner’s 2007 Warfield lectures (since published as Christ the Key), and it seemed like time to do it again. The team has changed a bit, but things worked out nicely.

So, a little information. This year’s Warfield lecturer is David Kelsey. His two-volume theological anthropology, Eccentric Existence has been a significant topic of conversation in the theological world since it appeared in 2009. The Warfield lectures will cover fresh ground, however, taking as their theme “Glory, Kingdom, and Power: Stammering about God.” More information about Kelsey and the Warfield lectures can be found at the PTS website.

Both David Congdon and myself are involved (surprise, surprise), and we are joined by two PTS MDiv student theo-bloggers, Melissa and Nathan. Posts will go live approximately one week after the lecture in question began, so watch for the first installment here at DET this evening. An index to the coverage is below (I'll plug in the links as we go).

P.S. For anyone who might worry about this sort of thing, we secured Dr Kelsey's permission to provide an overview of his lectures for those who could not be present.



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