Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

As always, the order of presentation is simply the order in which I found these various posts. Also, stay tuned to DET next week for a couple posts on pedagogy and theological education!

  • “Collared Evangelism” - Jason Ingalls reflects on the perhaps counter-intuitive benefit of wearing a clerical collar. He has even set up a Facebook page to promote the practice and share stories.
  • “Doodlings Done” - Kim Fabricius brings us another (final?) set of doodling. Here is a highlight: “In the archetypal conversion story, the cry is “Once I was blind, but now I see!” Funny, Saul’s experience was just the opposite.”
  • “Dogmatics in Dialogue” - Kait Dugan writes on the importance of the doctrine of revelation, and of Karl Barth’s insights on the topic.
  • “How to Avoid a Gendered Conference” - The writers of the “Feminist Philosophers” blog give some very good practical / concrete advice on how to bring more demographic balance to academic conferences. Much of their advice applies to any minority group by extension. A helpful read, indeed.
  • “The New Fundamentalism” - Roger Olson distinguishes between the fundamentalist movement and ethos, and discusses how the latter has been infiltrating evangelicalism over the past decades. This is a helpful and illuminating analysis, a must-read for anyone who cares about evangelicalism.
  • “18 Theses on Eschatology” - The title pretty much sums things up. Definitely worth a look.
  • “Theologia Crucis” - More from Kait Dugan. This time she gives us more personal reflections about her developing understanding of this subject.
  • “To the young women of the church we say: carry forward the cause of gospel feminism” - In response to some recent goings on in the Roman Catholic world, wherein - as far as I can tell - the powers that be continue on their quest to alienate a vital part of their constituency, the Women-In-Theology blog gives us access to the Madeleva Manifesto, written by 16 feminist theologians in 2000
  • “Living Water” - A sermon from Jason Ingalls on John 4.5-42.
  • “What Are We Doing In Libya?” - More excellent food for thought from the Women-In-Theology blog. Here is the powerfully written conclusion: "Why do we think our responsibility to protect potential victims of a dictator to be so much greater than our ability to protect children from starvation? Why is it, that, when somebody is a victim of a dictator the United States doesn’t like, she is a “civilian;” when she is an Afghan child killed by a U.S. missile, she is “collateral damage,” and when she is an Indian or African child dying of starvation, she is nothing to us at all?"
  • “Evangelical Calvinism Book” - Robert Grow and Myk Habets have been hard at work putting together a volume of essays on Evangelical Calvinism. They are nearing the finish line, and Robert has posted the table of contents. Be sure to take a look.

If all this isn't enough to keep you busy, read the blog coverage of the 2011 Warfield Lectures, delivered by David Kelsey.



Jordan H said…
Thanks for the shout-out for the All Saints Writers' block (via Kait Dugan's piece)! Swing by Monday for the 6th installment of Dogmatics in Dialogue: Karl Barth on the Doctrine of Reconciliation!
Bobby Grow said…
Thank you for the link, Travis.

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