Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

I would like to begin by drawing attention to two recent posts here at DET on theological pedagogy. If you missed these the first time around, be sure to check them out now - and, if you are a theological student or educator, I'd love to get more feedback from you about these posts:

Now, on to the round-up. As always, the order of presentation is simply the order in which I found these various posts.

  • "The Surprise of Reconciliation", and "Coming Home From Exile" - Good friend and blog collaborator, Chris TerryNelson, posts two of his recent sermons. The first deals with Acts 10, and the second with Ezekiel 37.
  • "Jesus Delays" - Another good friend and friend of the blog, Jason Ingalls, adds a sermon on John 11.
  • "Spiritual Malpractice" - More from Jason Ingalls, this time reflecting on the many dangers and difficulties of pastoral care.
  • "I've Been Thinking About the Resurrection" - John Drury, who successfully defended his dissertation here at PTS a week or so ago, gives us some reflections - and links to further reflections - on the resurrection. They are definitely worth checking out; he did just write a dissertation on the topic.
  • "What about Sola Scriptura?" - Roger Olson thinks about sola scriptura, whether it is a viable affirmation and, if so, how it is so.
  • "Parenting: goodness as happiness" - Meaty reflections from the parenting trenches by PTS MDiv blogger, Melissa Florer-Bixler.
  • "Living out of the future" - GFCFC ([G]ood [F]riend, [C]olleague, and [F]requent [C]ollaborator) - David Congdon - emphasizes the "semi" bit of his semi-retirement from blogging by posting this Lenten homily on Mark 10.
  • "George Hunsinger on Karl Barth and Thomas Torrance" - A nearly 3-minute video of Hunsinger talking about the relationship between Barth and Torrance. Longtime readers may remember the friendly exchange between Ben Myers and myself on the topic.
  • "Off the shelf" - Speaking of Ben, he recently did a vlog about some of the things he has been reading lately.
  • "The Trouble with Ayn Rand" - It's hard to accept that there is a political movement afoot in our society, supported by a not inconsiderable number of purported Christians, that looks to Rand for inspiration. In this article, David Bentley Hart reminds us that he has his uses. Here is an excerpt:
    Ayn Rand always provokes a rather extravagant reaction from me, and probably for purely ideological reasons. For instance, I like the Sermon on the Mount. She regarded its prescriptions as among the vilest ever uttered. I suspect that charity really is the only way to avoid wasting one’s life in a desert of sterile egoism. She regarded Christian morality as a poison that had polluted the will of Western man with its ethos of parasitism and orgiastic self-oblation. And, simply said, I cannot find much common ground with someone who believed that the principal source of human woe over the last twenty centuries has been a tragic shortage of selfishness.
  • Paul Nimmo now in paperback! - I recently learned that Paul Nimmo's highly significant and, sadly, equally highly priced book has just been issued in a much more affordable paperback. This is one of those recent Barth studies books that everyone ought to read and engage deeply with, even if you might finally disagree. So, go get your copy!
  • "Observing The Gospel Coalition (Pt. 3 of 3)" - Brian LePort offers some critical reflections on a recent Gospel Coalition conference that he attended.
  • "New Center for Barth Studies Book Review" - Last but not least, be sure to check out the recently posted review of David Haddorff's new book - Christian Ethics as Witness - by friend of the blog and 2-time Barth Blog Conference contributor, Scott Jackson.
As always, don't forget about the vast amount of material waiting for you hear at DET, like past Karl Barth Blog Conference stuff, or the list of popular posts.



Bros. Jimenez said…
Thanks for posting about Nimmo's book. It looks promising and now affordable!

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